Fertility &
Menstural health
Acupuncture and East Asian herbal medicine help to promote inner well-being, prevent disharmony and supports fertilty and menstural health throughout the phases of peoples lives.
Regulating the Menstrual Cycles because of: Amenorrhea (not having a period), Dysmenorrhea (painful periods), Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Endometriosis, Premenstrual Tension/Pain (PMS) and much more…
Increase Fertility with Acupuncture and Herbs
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Support, increasing the chance of success by 40%-60%.
ICE (Intercervical Insemination) Support and IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) Support
Morning Sickness
Delayed Labor or Breech Presentation
Postpartum Health
Peri-Menopause/Menopause/Post-Menopause Sign and Symptoms
Black Pearl Acupuncture is open and has implemented these new procedures to safely re-open.
Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine is great at optimizing the bodies ability to become pregnant. As mentioned above Sita uses Acupuncture and East Asian herbs to help regulate the menstrual cycle which is very important for a successful pregnancy. By treating the menstrual cycle weekly Sita can help to optimize: ovulation, egg quality, increase follicle count, blood flow to the uterus, cervical lining thickness to help with successful implantation of an embryo. Acupuncture also helps to regulate hormones and decrease stress to increase the chance of a successful pregnancy. In addition to Acupuncture Sita often will prescribe East Asian herbal formulas during specific parts of your cycle to help increase fertility with each phase of the menstrual cycle. Sita will also give you helpful nutritional information to help increase your likely hood of conceiving. Using acupuncture to help increase fertility is recognized by the American Pregnancy Association, click here to learn more.
Regulating the Menstrual Cycle:
Acupuncture and East Asian medicine can help to regulate menstrual cycles, decrease or stop pain, regulate bleeding, bloating, discomfort, headaches, mood changes and many of the other signs and symptoms before and during your menstrual cycle. In both East Asian and Western medicine your menstrual cycle is broken up into 4 phases. Phase 1 is your period, phase 2 is the rebuilding of the uterine lining, phase 3 is ovulation and phase 4 is the bodies preparation for a pregnancy or a period to come. It is important to treat each phase of the cycle. By using Acupuncture and East Asian herbs together Sita helps to regulate these stages helping you to have a regular, less painful and more comfortable period.
Invitro Fertilization, ICI or IUI:
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs also work as a wonderful addition to IVF, ICI or IUI treatments. Through having regular Acupuncture leading up to your IVF transfer and by having Acupuncture on the day of an IVF transfer one can increase their chances of becoming pregnant through IVF by 40% – 60%. Similarly Acupuncture can help increase the chances for those using the ICI or IUI processes to conceive.
You can also look at some fertility research links below:
There has been great research done to show the effectiveness of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in the areas listed below – by: Debra Betts:
How acupuncture can help to regulate hormones directly involved with implantation and follicle development
How acupuncture can increase pregnancy rates when used prior and post Invitro Embryo Transfers
The ability of acupuncture to increase blood supply to the uterus and ovaries
The ability of acupuncture to decrease the presence of abnormal sperm and increase sperm motility.
For abstracts and details about this research click here (from Debra Betts):
Morning Sickness:
Once pregnant Acupuncture can be a great help to decrease morning sickness and give you energy throughout your first trimester. Acupuncture is a wonderful drug free option of support during this time.
Pregnancy and Postpartum Health
During Pregnancy people do not have many options for pain relief but Acupuncture is a great option, effective and safe!
Postpartum health is very important and often not given as much attention as your health while you are pregnant. Use of Acupuncture and Herbs after labor can be very helpful for a quicker recovery for the mother including more energy and recovery from labor. I highly recommend the book: The First 40 Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother by Heng Ou as a great book in preparing for labor and postpartum.
Peri-Menopause/ Menopause/
In East Asian Medicine the time of menopause in life is called a second spring. A time to have new freedoms in life. Acupuncture and East Asian herbs can help with the transition into your second spring by decreasing or stopping hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, cravings, mood swings and many more symptoms experienced with menopause.
Let's Talk!
To learn more about how Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help please feel free to call 503.308.9363 to speak with Acupuncturist Sita Symonette or email her